Monday, May 16, 2011

Powerful Weapons

The longer I wrestle against this old world, the more I realize that God has given us exceeding great heavenly weapons to use in the fight of faith. Do not make the mistake of entering into spiritual warfare with the crude and ineffectual weapons of anger, bitterness, sarcasm, or even human logic. Scriptural battles of old were never won by the might of man’s hand, but were often won by the humble, the lowly, and sometimes even the comical.

Case in point, when Gideon snuck into the Midianite camp to gauge the climate there, he overheard a dream had by one of the guards. In the dream, the Midianite guard had seen a giant barley cake rolling through their camp and flattening it. A barley cake…….. Let that marinate in your mind a little bit. Frankly, in my flesh I can think of any number of things that would have glorified me better than that. How about the “Urshanator”, or “Ursh the Destroyer”, or anything muscular, masculine, and powerul right? That’s the whole point. It was not about man receiving glory but God. I’ll take it a step further. God even tailor made it to undermine man’s reliance on self, and to emphasize His power and might. Everybody was to know God did this thing, not man!!

Having said that let me speak of love, or more specifically, charity. I’m afraid charity has gotten lost in the shuffle of religious noise. Let me be clear, I do not mean the weak, anemic, permissive charity of “sloppy agape” or “greasy grace”. I do not mean a license to sin, or a lifestyle of “I can do anything I want because Jesus loves me”. No, I mean the humble, clear- eyed, thankful charity that is the greatest of things spoken of in I Corinthians 13. I will not allow secular religion to hijack God’s most beautiful attribute (and most powerful weapon).

I thank God for love that is merciful, but firm at the same time. Love can rebuke becaue its motive is to edify not destroy. Be thankful for a pastor, teacher, or friend that speaks the truth in love. Devils hate them the most because there is nothing for sin to grab onto to. It almost seems like charity does not strike out, but rather takes the carnal weapons out of the hands of those who try to use them. While hard experience teaches us that when we are hurt, hit back…..HARD, charity teaches us that God can take the weapon out of the enemy’s hand. If not that, then God Himself will fight the battle for you.

There is no defense against the unbridled, sincere, authentic love of God. It heals bitterness, it halts conflict, and it cannot be prosecuted. When speaking of the fruit of the spirit Paul said, “against such there is no law”. I have personally seen the hard eyes of young thugs open wide in the presence of the aggressive, sin breaking power of the love of God. Suspicious and scornful eyes that are fully prepared to answer insult for insult, taunt for taunt, and expletive for expletive are overpowered by a force straight from Heaven’s armory. There is no hidden agenda. No ulterior motive. There is nothing to fight. All one can do is acquiesce to the quiet grace that saves them from themselves. Once the love of God opens them brother, then the Holy Ghost sweeps in. As a matter of fact, I believe the working of God is immediately preceded by love. One writer said, “Faith which worketh by love….”

The Apostolic has this power at their fingertips. Paul taught that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. When we see sin holding someone captive, our reaction should not be disgust, anger, or self righteousness. These are fleshly reactions that reveal a lack of prayer in our lives. Rather there should be a violent spasm of compassion that wells up in us that a son or daughter of God could be twisted so by malevolence, deceit, guile, or hatred. I want to reach them, help them, and break the hold that Satan has on them.

It is not necessary to stoop to sarcasm and mockery to hurt another. Remember it is not them you are fighting; it is the spirit that enslaves them. When the accuser tries to stir turmoil within you, know that you have great weapons with which to fight. Satan stands powerless against the Holy Ghost filled child of God who wields the heavenly weapon of God’s love.

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